High-value content assets like white papers, eBooks, case studies and videos are powerful lead generation and brand awareness tools, but before you spend time and money creating these, you need to think about the following two things:

First, make sure your website can actually support different content formats

This sounds SO simple – but Brafton estimates show roughly fifty percent of high-value content assets never make it onto a website. So have a conversation with your tech team, and if you can’t add new content formats, consider implementing new marketing technology. Nothing is worse than the proverbial “all dressed up with nowhere to go” scenario of having great content, but no means of getting it on your website.

Second, don’t set and forget your content

Once you have a high-value asset up on your website, create a promotional strategy to get it in front of as many people as possible. This could be through channels like social media, email and PPC. You have several avenues to explore.

CaseStudy_ICON_MobileCauseWhen our client MobileCause published a new infographic, it was seated behind a download wall, so users would have to enter their contact information to receive it. It was promoted through MobileCause’s social accounts and sent out in two email blasts to the company’s contact list. The result was a record-breaking seven hundred leads generated in a single week – and it became a top landing page for the website.

The point is these high-value assets can have a huge impact on your business – but before you put the pen to paper, make sure your technology is capable of supporting your content and plan your promotional strategy to get the most from the work you put in.

Jordan has been working in business development at Brafton since 2014. He loves staying up to date on everything content marketing related. In his free time he likes to hang out with friends, play soccer and read.