As the saying goes, “timing is everything.” In marketing, this is especially true, as businesses constantly strive to get the right content in front of the right audience at the right time.

But one thing many marketers struggle with is figuring out the right cadence of how often they should be posting blogs. What if you create too many blogs, which could overwhelm your prospects and turn them off of your brand? On the other hand, not posting enough content might hurt your SEO strategy and leave your target audience wanting more.

It’s all about finding the right balance for your specific marketing goals.

Hitting that blog post sweet spot

A recent HubSpot study found that businesses posting an average of 16 or more blogs each month see 3.5 times more traffic than companies that only published a few times in the same time period.

Well, that’s a given. If you have more content to offer your prospects, then the chance of them coming to your site grows significantly. But those blogs need to be providing your target audience with relevant and engaging information, or else you’re not going to convert them.

So let’s look at it in terms of lead generation. The same study revealed that brands posting 16 or more blogs monthly brought in 4.5 times more leads than those that only posted a handful of times each month.

Providing frequent, interesting blogs to your audience will boost engagement, trust and brand recognition, which in turn leads potential customers further down the funnel to eventually convert.

So what’s that “sweet spot” for posting blogs? There’s no definite number, but our suggestion is to aim for four to five posts per week in order to keep traffic coming in and your lead conversions up. Keep in mind, however, that the ideal frequency of posting depends on the size of your marketing team, your industry and your ideal prospects, so be prepared to review your blog content’s performance and revise your posting strategy as needed.

Watch out for overload

Are you thinking that posting new content four to five times a week is not enough? Well, depending on your audience and industry, it might not be. But be careful of overloading your prospects with too much information. Developing new blogs at a faster clip than your ideal customers can read them often shifts your focus from quality to quantity, and your message can get lost in the shuffle.

Additionally, by posting blogs at a higher frequency, their effectiveness can decrease. You’re less likely to engage visitors, let alone encourage them to convert, by churning out large volumes of content. Instead, you need to turn your attention to creating blogs that answer readers’ questions and successfully lead them down the sales funnel.

Posting too much content can overwhelm your audience and lead to your message getting lost.

Create a blog editorial calendar

Posting blogs several times each week may seem like a daunting task, but creating an editorial calendar helps you stay on track and organize your strategy. This is the first thing Profile Booster recommends when it comes to developing an effective posting schedule.

How you develop the content calendar is up to you and your overall content marketing goals. Do you want to focus on a certain theme each month? Or how about letting your target audience guide the topics by answering their questions and concerns? Whatever method you choose, using a blog editorial calendar is one of the most effective ways to ensure your strategy stays focused and that you continue to post content relevant to your audience.

Analyze, analyze, analyze

Even if you think you’ve found that sweet spot and have built a successful editorial calendar, things can change. Whether it’s your target audience’s preferences, market conditions or any number of other factors, the truth is that you must always analyze your blog posting strategy and revise it based on your data.

Gaining insight into how your content is performing and how your prospects are responding to the frequency of your posts is the best way to measure the effectiveness of your marketing methods, and it gives you the chance to adjust your content plan to fit the needs of your audience.

For example, are your posts not garnering enough views on certain days of the week? Try changing up the day and time to see if they better reach your audience then.

Or look closer at your topic choices. Is content that centers on certain subjects getting more views and engagement than others? Maybe consider changing up your approach – create an editorial calendar that dives deeper into a specific topic that your readers are responding to.

There’s no one right way, day or time to post blogs, but as long as you have a solid plan in place that engages your target audience and consistently provides them with the information they are looking for, your content strategy is far more likely to be successful.

Tressa Sloane is the Sr. Manager of Editorial Development in Boston. Born a Southern belle, she now resides in the chilly (but wicked awesome) Northeast, and when she's not learning everything she can about content marketing, she's obsessing over Elvis, Auburn football and France.