Hey, Brittany Cornell here with this week’s Content and Coffee. Did you know it only takes 0.05 seconds to make a snap judgement of a website, and all first impressions are 94 percent design related. You might underestimate the power of graphic design compared to the content on the site, but here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

Put a ring on it!

Commitment to your style guide is key – and switching up fonts and colors on your site is NOT a good idea. Consistency builds credibility and recognition with your audience. If you have urge for flair, try switching your cell phone case to a pink rhinestone one instead.

Be idiot-proof

Forget everything you know for a second and try learning from your site. Is this subhead bold enough? Does a CTA get lost? Is there a clear flow of information and instruction? Ask others for their input too. Design should be clear- no questions asked.

Turn some heads!

Stop that cursor right in its tracks and wow users with your creativity! Infographics are taking off – and they’re the fastest growing content type today according to the CMI. Showing rather than telling with infographics adds personality to your site. But it can help you make a bigger impact for all the visual learners like me out there.

Don’t be overbearing

You know when you’re walking through a mall department store and salespeople harass you to try their new head massager? And it makes you want to hide in a nearby potted plant? Ya – that pushy desperation exists online too, with blinking ads, unforgiving pop-ups and screaming CTAs. Just DON’T do it.

Are you committing a web design crime on your site? Contact the Brafton team and we’ll give it to you straight. Thanks, and happy designing!

Brittany Cornell is a graphic designer in the Boston area. She studied graphic design communications at Roger Williams University, and began her design career at SmartPak. Her favorite design projects include branding and illustration, but outside of work her real love is horses.