Hey there – Molly here with this week’s Content and Coffee. Check out the video above where we’re discussing social ad options, and follow along with the script below. 

social media conversationToday we’re featuring insights straight from Brafton’s promotions manager Dave McKellar. Dave works with our clients on organic and paid social strategies, but it seems more social media marketers are exploring advertising options because they’ve proven successful.

Here are a few things from our conversation I found particularly interesting:

  • First, Did you know that on Facebook and Twitter you can upload your email list and target people who are already in your database? We’ve experimented with this function by sending out an email message promoting a sale or specific product. Then, we’ll create an ad that displays on social media, to remind this audience that the promotion is in effect. It’s a great way to boost an email marketing campaign – and really connect your entire presence across the web.
  • Sunglasses Facebook ExampleSpeaking of bringing campaigns together across channels, did you know you can keep the shopping experience going with users after they’ve left your site? You’ve probably been browsing a website and then noticed an ad for the product you were scoping moments later on social media. This wasn’t a mistake – it’s thanks to a piece of coding that you can add to your website that allows Facebook and Twitter to see what a person’s been viewing.
  • Finally, since a lot of our clients are in the B2B space, we’d be remiss if we didn’t bring up LinkedIn ads. When it comes to LinkedIn, we recommend sponsored posts – they’re a little more expensive than the right hand rail ads but guarantee more results. Since we’re on the subject of pricing, when it comes to deciding between Cost Per Click or Cost per Impression, we’re advocates of the Cost Per Click option. If you opt for cost per impression, you’re going to blow through your budget really quickly – Cost per click gives you a little more leeway.

What are your social advertising tips? Keep the conversation going with us in the comments or on Twitter. And if you’re interested in speaking with one of our social consultants about our new social media offerings – just reach out to learning@brafton.com

Molly Buccini is Brafton's community manager. She joined the team with a background in digital journalism and social media. She's a theatre nerd, pop culture junkie and lover of summertime.