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Yahoo’s ads are getting ‘Dapper:’ Marketers may like new relevant, dynamic display ad options


Marketers may want to advertise on Yahoo with the company’s recent acquisition of Dapper – a tech platform that provides dynamic display ad creation and optimization.

Google gives SEO advice to ‘make the web a better experience’


One skeptic recently questioned why the search giant would help businesses by offering tips for SEO when it could make money from search advertising.

Compete says Bing-powered search accounted for one-quarter of search market in August


Online research firm Compete has released search rankings that calculate how much of the market is represented specifically by Bing-powered searches following the commencement of the Yahoo/Microsoft search alliance.

Content marketing is king in AOL’s Project Devil display ad format


AOL may catch the interest of internet users and online marketers with its latest content-based, decluttering ad format that it hopes will make the web a better place.

Search marketers, catch clicks from holiday shoppers during “Peak Week”


Most consumers have an annual holiday ritual of vowing that next year they’ll start their shopping earlier, but a new study from Marin Software suggests the odds of shoppers waiting until December are in search marketers’ favor.

Google CEO says social component Google Me will improve search and ads, but Google wants Facebook


In a press conference, Google CEO, Eric Schmidt gave some candid insight on how the social side of Google (likely coming this fall) could improve search.

Seventh Generation finds contextual content boosts Google Display Network conversion 102 percent


By creating content for the Google Display Network that makes its products contextually relevant to consumers, Seventh Generation has been able to drive sales and reduce its cost-per-conversion.

ComScore search rankings indicate Microsoft, Yahoo searches on the rise


Following the transition of Yahoo’s organic search results to Bing, many marketers have been waiting to see how the combined powers of Microsoft and Yahoo will fare against Google in the search market.

AT&T positions itself in the search market with Yellow Pages’ ‘Click Less. Live More’ campaign


AT&T is trying to position itself as the company that understands the intent of local searches with the rebranding of the Yellow Pages (now simply YP), and marketers may want to take advantage of the business directory to catch consumers’ clicks..