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The keys to writing marketing copy


Supercharge your marketing copy so it reaches your target audience every time, line by line, regardless of content type or platform.

6 themes that will shape engaging content in 2019


Best practices in content marketing are always evolving to better connect brands and audiences. In 2018, good strategies involve merging quality and quantity, focusing on the user experience and intent, and providing content in more immersive formats than ever before.

The rhythm, the pace, the mind control: Syntax in writing


Through strategic syntax variation, you can make your web content more readable and engaging.

Everything you need to know about ephemeral content marketing


Quick – this video only has two more hours before it’s gone forever!

How to leverage what your target audience is reading


What else are your readers reading, and how can you leverage that info?

Why marketers need to be the best communicator in the room


Being a marketer is like being class president: You’re the mouthpiece of your organization.

Artificial intelligence + content writing: What happens next?


Will AI fully replace content writers, or is there a symbiotic relationship marketers can capitalize on?

5 content strategies you need to try after a trade show


You’ve registered your company for the big trade show and highlighted it in red on your marketing calendar. You’ve spent months preparing, promoting digital campaigns around your presence at the […]

How to create awesome content in 5 easy steps [infographic]


What makes a great content marketing strategy? It starts with awesome content.