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Tips for how not to increase SEO


There are numerous experts on the web touting the things people should do to help increase their search engine optimization (SEO), but one writer recently made a list of the […]

A liberal arts education can help with SEO training


While some have said that colleges and other academic institutions don’t place enough emphasis on teaching the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM), […]

Search engine sees increase in unique visitors thanks to SEO


With more people dumping their Yellow Pages and instead turning to the internet to get information on businesses in their area, the emphasis on local search is increasing which may have some people re

Google’s Mayer welcomes search competition, finds real-time search ‘interesting’


With the popularity of Twitter over the last year, much attention has been placed on real-time search and how it might affect search engine optimization (SEO) and according to Google’s […]

Original content is important part of SEO


A growing number of industries are using search engine optimization (SEO) to help increase their online visibility, but one company says the best way to increase website traffic is to […]

All industries can benefit from SEO


Many companies feel that they need to be in the IT field in order for search engine optimization (SEO) to work for them, but one embroidery company has found that SEO is helping increase sales.

CBS News launches new site with SEO in mind


Although much has been made of print and online news outlets using search engine optimization (SEO) to increase traffic, not much has been mentioned about the TV industry and their attempts but CBS News unveiled a new website with SEO in mind.

Cost is the wrong factor for choosing an SEO strategy


With the state of the economy some businesses are hesitant to increase their marketing budget for search engine optimization (SEO), but one expert says that a quality SEO campaign will […]

A new search engine may change companies’ SEO perspective


When companies begin a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, they typically focus on getting content to page one on Google or Yahoo or another search engine – but if a […]