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PR can benefit from SEO, social media


For many years one of the best ways companies could get their business in front of consumers and the media was through public relations, but as things have shifted to the internet, one marketing exper

Domino’s to use SEO, social media to improve image


Although it’s been stated that online marketing can help a company make a name for itself and grow its business, one established company is learning that it can also use it to try to improve its image

Hospitals increase SEO efforts


As organizations grow more web-savvy, the number using search engine optimization (SEO) increases to those outside of the traditional business world. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, an increased number […]

SEO’s relevance to help boost its appeal


Although search engine optimization (SEO) only made up 11 percent of total search marketing in 2008, its numbers are expected to increase as internet users continue to find it more […]

Dallas Cowboys try their hand at SEO


One of the most popular sports franchises in the world has jumped aboard the search engine optimization (SEO) bandwagon as the Dallas Cowboys plan to increase organic traffic to sell […]

Online marketing one of the few ‘bright spots’


Through the current recession, few industries have been able to thrive as many companies cut costs. But a new survey finds online marketing is one of the few "bright spots."


Retailers increasingly using SEO


A number of recent studies have shown that search engine marketing (SEM) budgets are increasing, but a new survey finds retailers in particular are using search engine optimization (SEO) in […]

Online marketing one of the few ‘bright spots’


Through the current recession, few industries have been able to thrive as many companies cut costs. But a new survey finds online marketing is one of the few "bright spots."


Online classifieds can benefit from SEO


A recent report from Hitwise finds that traffic to online classifieds soared in the last year but notes that search engine optimization (SEO) gives the providers even more opportunity for […]