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Super Bowl drops the ball on SEO


Although companies pay a great deal of money to get their message across to viewers of the Super Bowl, it appears the NFL did a poor job with its search engine optimization (SEO).

Google Tren

Analyzing SEO traffic at SMX West


With one week left until the SMX West conference begins news is still filtering in on speakers who will be participating in the event.

Craig Hordlow of Red Bricks Media will be presenting a

Yahoo attempts automated SEO


Yahoo appears to be throwing its hat in the search engine optimization (SEO) ring with a patent which has the potential to rewrite text on a third-party site to optimize it for popular search terms.

Study: Online retailers are better at SEO


New research finds that online only retailers like Amazon are doing a far better job at search engine optimization (SEO) than their brick and mortar competitors. The study from Internet […]

Enterprise is ‘clueless’ about SEO


Although search engine optimization (SEO) is a cost effective way for companies to reach their customers, one expert says enterprise just doesn’t embrace the concept.

"When it comes to S

Companies use SEO but don’t understand it


A new survey finds that while the overwhelming majority of ecommerce companies say that search engine optimization is a part of their marketing efforts, many do not understand the concept.


SMX West announces ‘Biggest Search Geek’


During the kickoff to this year’s SMX West conference in California, Kerri Morgret was named "Biggest Search Geek in America," beating out some 1,700 contestants for the top spot.


Small businesses not taking advantage of SEO


Although search engine optimization (SEO) can help level the playing field for small to medium sized companies, most just don’t pay attention to it at all.

That’s according to search engine o

Sports franchises sign up to SEO


In an attempt to increase their web presence at a time when more people are holding onto their discretionary income, NHL and NBA teams are turning to search engine optimization (SEO) to increase busin