ClickCease Success Stories | Brafton

This simple change can get people to stay on your site 28% longer

Adding featured images to posts can significantly impact your content’s success. Here are the results a Brafton client saw when it started using pictures.

Creativity is KEY: Custom headlines increase video content views & engagement

One of our clients saw just how powerful a good headline is when they added custom titles to video content and got twice as many viewers.

3 Signs organic search is working harder than your paid campaign

Here’s how one of our clients discovered that organic search traffic – not paid ads – bring in its highest-converting audience.

Less noise, more talking: Twitter campaign attracts more than 100% new followers

Social marketing can be hard to master. One of our clients sees great results by sparking conversations with its customers online.

Why it pay$ to cut the jargon: A content marketing success story

One of Brafton’s client proves why it’s valuable to have writers on your content marketing team – Posts get more clicks and conversions.

Content payoff: Blog attracts qualified audience that converts 2x as often

One of Brafton’s clients saw the impact of a content marketing strategy when it started getting more qualified traffic that was converting faster.